Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Potty over here, potty over there, wave your hands in the air, shake ya deriere.

We've started thinking about potty training LJB.    Okay, not really.  But I needed some sort of opener.  Shut up.   Here goes..

Due to the incorrect assumption that a toddler could use a toilet simply because he knew what the word "potty" meant, we recently had our first teensy tinsy potty training attempt with LJB.   Wildly unsuccessful, of course, because he obviously needs... something else first.  (To read a cute book about it?  To be a girl?  To not be two and a half feet tall?  I guess I'll know it when I see it.)   As a result, we had an unhappy and naked toddler fleeing the bathroom.  

The real fun began when he reached the kitchen, where he stopped, peed on the floor, and then slipped and fell backwards into his pee puddle.    We whisked the unhappy boy away and plunked him into a warm bath.. where he promptly pooped.

The moral to the story is: always have a cocktail before doing anything with your child, ever.  

The End.

Kidding, kidding (kind of).   Moral is now I have a sparkly bleached tub, and I earned me a blueberry pancake, which I ate today.

And they all lived happily after.    The End.

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